First Database with XAMPP

This article provides a tutorial to set up a first database and create a new user on a new macOS XAMPP installation.

If you didn’t set up your XAMPP host yet, you can follow previous tutorial to edit XAMPP Virtual Hosts.

1. Meet phpmyadmin

NB: Best browsers to code are Chrome-like browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge.

  • Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your favorite browser.
  • Go to User Accounts tab.
  • Create a new user with all-privileges and grant him access to % hosts and localhost. Don’t create associated database. It’s mostly useless.

2. Create your database

  • Create a database with a utf8-general-cli encoding format.

3. Modify file

  • Edit /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/phpmyadmin/
  • Change user and add your password.
  • Switch AllowNonPassword to false.
  • Switch compress to true.

4. Restart Apache Servers

5. Get Back to phpmyadmin

  • Remove all other users privileges.