

My name is Guillaume Coquard. I’m graduating from Apple Developer Academy in Napoli where I spent 9 months learning Apple Development technologies, and improving my skills in design, business and project management. I released my first application on the App Store, Cami Calendar and I’m working on other projects set to be released soon.

In 2023, I earned a Master of Science in Cybersecurity & Artificial Intelligence at EFREI Paris, a private french engineering school. Prior to that, I completed a Master’s degree in Software Engineering at University of Paris Saclay.

I am dedicated to helping and supporting people and students in various contexts. Recently, I was elected to the Alumni Board of the Apple Developer Academy. I’m also glad to be the Honorary President of Association d’Informatique d’Evry, the student association of Computer Science Department of University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne.

My previous professional experiences include working as a SEO analyst at L’Agence Web Intelligence, a Web Developer at XWiki SAS and a Penetration Tester and Security Analyst at SERMA Safety & Security.

Alongside these academic activities, I’m passionate about design, interface design, and photography. I have practiced my skills in these areas for the past ten years and look forward to continuing to do so.

I’m starting a project called Aemi Studio, a collaboration between developers and designers focused on creating innovative and meaningful interactions through application development. We strive to foster an environment where creativity and technical skills come together to generate new and effective solutions for people. You can check Aemi Studio’s website to get more information.

Here are some links where you can learn more about my activities:

  • LinkedIn – what I professionally went through.
  • GitHub – what I am working on.
  • X – what I think about what I’m working on.
  • Instagram – what I share.

That’s it. Thank you for taking the time to read this.